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» Glavni naslovi





What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency, designed to function as aexchange tool. It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions, as well as to coordinate new cryptocurrency units. Basically, cryptocurrency is a restricted databaseentry that no one can change unless certain conditions are met. There have been many attempts to create digital currency during the tech boom of the 90s, with systems such as Flooz, Beenz and DigiCash which emerged in the market - but inevitably failed. There were numerous different reasons for their failures, including fraud, financial problems and even clashes between company employees and their bosses. Interestingly, all of these systems used the Trusted Third Party approach, meaning the companies behind them verified and enabled transactions. Due to the failure of these companies, the creation of a digital cash system has long been considered a lost case.



From space to the rescue balloon

During the past year, the world has come up with numerous scientific breakthroughs and technological solutions that almost nothing was known about before: science and technology have penetrated the farthest spaces of the universe and the farthest parts of the human body. The human mind grabs forward. It discovers the unthinkable and defends itself in the smallest of spaces, at the same time. For example, on New Year's Day, and the U.S.S. space exploration (NASA) nuclear powered drone flew past a mysterious celestial body, 6.4 billion miles away from Earth. It is the farthest "heavenly boulder" the human aircraft has ever reached, known as MU69, or nicknamed Arokot. The New Horizons spacecraft took hundreds of photos as it passed by Arokot (which is flat, pancake-like) at a speed of 5,182,088 km / h. Material is still coming and has been analyzed: it is expected to provide new data on the evolution of the solar system and the formation of planets like our Earth.



Rocket Fuel Development

As a result of the increasing pollution of the environment and its consequences on human health - due to the substances being overly used in almost all human activities - a demand is raised not to further pollute the environment. Whether a substance pollutes the environment is determined only after a thorough examination of its toxicity. Spacecrafts most commonly use chemical rocket fuels that, combusted in rocket engines, produce gases and some solids of different composition, depending on the composition of the rocket fuel itself. Various rocket fuels affect the environment in different ways. The rocket propulsion system can be liquid, solid or hybrid - depending on whether the rocket fuel consists of solid or liquid fuels and oxidizers. Liquid propellant (kerosene, hydrocarbon as fuel for airplanes) is probably the most polluting for environment since it emits carbon dioxide (CO2) during combustion, one of the gases that cause the greenhouse effect and the appearance of soot as a solid combustion product.



"Protection" from knowledge

Artificial intelligence is an inappropriately stretched metaphor: it blends everything in - like the margarine from the commercial you have certainly noticed. But there is a reason for that. One of the basic premises of modern society is that advanced technology enables economic advantage. In the first sentence of his 1832 book, Charles Babbage, often declared as one of the computer fathers, states: "There may not be any single circumstance that more singularly sets apart our country (England) from all other countries, than the wide scope and perfection with which we have invented the tools and machines for convenience used by almost every class of the community."




Thinking based on contradictions and dualism is spread throughout the history of culture and science. Aristotle's polarity system and Manicheanism as well as traditional Persian teaching were based on the synthesis of light and darkness, good and evil. Even today, black and white thinking is criticized by the expression "Manichean worldview". Plato separates the world of things from the world of ideas. For Descartes that is a problem of body and soul. How can the contents of the physical world reach consciousness? Carthusian dualism continues to haunt philosophers. For example, number two has the highest symbolic charge in the cross - two lines that intersect at right angles, one horizontal and one vertical - the axis of the sublime - a symbol of archaic strength and simple largeness. Back in the Stone Age, a cross was drawn on the walls of caves. The Christian Cross is considered one of the best logos. For this reason, it is also often used in non-religious contexts, e.g. on the flags of Norway, Sweden, Switzerland ...



Urinary infections in children

Most urinary infections are treated without any effects on the urinary tract, but if they become complicated by the association with congenital kidney and urinary tract abnormalities or their dysfunction, there is a risk of permanent damage to the renal tissue. On this complex topic, about which there are still inconsistent views in the field of diagnostics and treatment, speaks prof. Dr. Amira Peco Antic, pediatric nephrologist at Bel Medic, one of our largest experts in pediatric nephrology Urinary tract infections in children are the most common bacterial infection after respiratory infections. In the first eight years of life, they occur at least once in at least seven to eight percent of girls and at least two percent of boys . But, while in most cases, so-called uncomplicated urinary infections that are completly cured without consequences on the urinary tract occur, in some cases they may be the first sign of congenital (congenital) kidney and ureter anomalies, which are common human congenital anomalies. Moreover, a vicious cycle of inherited anatomical anomalies and / or functional disorders and recurrent urinary tract infections can permanently damage the kidneys and very seriously and in the long term impair the health of the patient, not only in childhood.



Thyroid disorders in children

Thyroid has a very complex hormonal effect on the functioning of all organ systems, and in children, on overall growth and development, so early detection of thyroid dysfunction, and especially congenital hypothyroidism, is a very important measure, says Dr. Tomislav Cuk, a pediatric endocrinologist at Bel Medic. Functioning of thyroid hormone (thyroid) is vital for all bodily functions of the human body, as well as for its growth and development. Proper thyroid functioning provides the body with optimal levels of thyroid hormones, while disorders of thyroid function expose it to lowered or elevated hormone levels, with far-reaching negative effects on the function of all organ systems and health as a whole. In childhood, thyroid dysfunction impairs psychophysical development and puberty, so it is very important that its symptoms be noted as early as possible.



In the wake of evolutionary trends

The history of the Earth is written in rocks and fossils whose role humans have long recognized not only as part of cultural heritage but also as a source of information that can help develop the economy of a country. Fossils are irreplaceable objects from nature that are stored in natural history museums around the world. At the Museum of Natural History in Belgrade, for more than a hundred years, rocks and fossils tell the stories of events that have taken place in what is now Serbia. The knowledge gained through the study of fossils is shared with the public by exhibiting objects, publishing popular and original scientific papers as well as through numerous educational programs related to the geological history of our country. In addition, the Museum entertains and informs the public about the achievements of the natural sciences, thus raising people's awareness of the need to preserve the natural environment.



Breathing fluid instead of air

Disasters such as the sinking of the Russian submarine "Kursk" and the death of its crew, as well as the crash of a Malaysian aircraft, have raised the long-standing issue of rescuing humans and techniques from the sea and ocean depths. Some of the Russian sailors might have survived had it not been for a too long waiting time for the arrival ot the necessary mechanization and rescue crews.
Rescuing submarines by firing canisters with people through torpedo tubes was long ago abandoned because of the danger of pressure in the depths and lack of storage space. The problem solution could be an artificially made chemical compound called fluorocarbon, which would allow breathing the liquid instead of air. Since inhalation of air in the depths requires special equipment, due to inhalation and external pressure, and since the lungs are significantly reduced, inhalation of fluid would, at least somewhat, solve this problem. Consequently, the equipment would be simpler and lighter, meaning it could be stored in submarines, allowing sailors to breathe freely until assistance arrives..


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