» BROJ 58 |
![Planeta Br 58](nas/naslovna58_150.jpg) |
Godina X
Juli - Avgust 2013.
» Glavni naslovi |
This Issue's Feature Article
10the Anniversary of „Planeta“ |
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Early July will mark the tenth anniversary of the first issue of the magazine „Planeta“. The founders, at that time, certainly could not have dreamed that, in this period not favourable to the magazine industry, „Planeta“ was to see such a long and uninterrupted life.
The magazine was initiated by four journalists with decades of professional media experience. Their model was the magazine „Galaksija“, a monthly with the goal to popularise science, scientific research and discoveries, which started four decades ago and was extinguished at the time of disintegration of former Yugoslavia.
Support was provided by the already successful general hospital Bel Medic which, through the company „Belmedia“ became the key sponsor. So, a total of 58 issues have been published until now, and the average circulation is satisfactory.
Apart from „Galaksija“ we modelled our magazine after some international magazines with the similar thematic orientation. Support was also provided by the national Ministry for Science, Technology and Development which, on 4 July 2003 issued its decree declaring „Planeta“ a publication of special interest for science.
For some years the magazine relies on an already standardised thematic framework, and remains especially open for all national developments in the field of science and technological development.
The feature article in this issue looks back at the past ten years and presents the views of about ten reputable national scientists who explain what has been happening during these ten years in the areas that they are active in.
New Earths in the Solar System |
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Can mankind create living conditions elsewhere in space similar to those prevailing on the Earth? This question has preoccupied scientists ever since the mid 19th century when seasonal changes of colour on the Mars were interpreted by seasonal blossoming of vegetation and networks of straight lines on its surface as channels and roads built by the population living there.
Of all the planets, the one that is most similar to Earth is Venus, but it is a planet which is still developing and the only way of terra-formation is the cooling of the planet. Visionaries have devised ideas of specific heat shields in free space which would cast a shadow on Venus and let it cool. Other cooling ideas were linked to reflecting balloons above the clouds, whereby the heat of the Sun would be reduced to half. Water would be „provided“ from one of the ice planetoids or asteroids from the Kuiper's belt. It is estimated that such an undertaking would require a whole millennium!
To enable life on Mars it would be necessary from its reserves of iron, to create an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen, but the problem is very weak gravitation, therefore the question as to whether such atmosphere could be sustained. Along with these, there were considerations of possible life on the Moon, on Jupiter's satellites Calisto and Ganimed, the Saturn's satellite Titan, and others
May – Month of Mathematics |
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This year's „May – Month of Mathematics“ is taking place at a number of locations across Serbia. The international sponsor this year was Cedric Villani, winner of the Field's medal for 2010. He presented himself with the unusual work „The Living Theorem“ taking the audience to the world of mathematical research.
Among the exhibits, the dominant place was held by polieders of Leonardo da Vinci, and the guest on this topic was Alessandro Vezzosi, professor at the University of Firenze. He spoke about the truth and the legends regarding the works of Leonardo, who was the one taking the credit for the improvement of 13 Plato's polieders.
The year 2013 was declared the year of use of mathematics in nature preservation. In this context the mathematical universe of minerals and crystals was presented from mountains of Serbia, of regular geometric shapes.
Sunning and the Skin |
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Dermatovenerologist Lidija Kandolf Sekulović, Ph.D., associate of the general hospital Bel Medic, explains what happens during exposure to Sun radiation, and what should be used in the period from 10 AM to 5 PM, which is also the period when any exposure should be avoided, including the need to wear protective clothing and UV protection sunglasses.
Dr Kandolf warns of the harmful effects of exposure to the Sun and changes in case of occurrence of moles. The article presents the useful algorithm of suspicious points, the so-called ABCDE rule: A (Asymmetry), B (Border), C (Colour), D (Diameter) and E (Enlargement) – indicating changes in the moles which require an examination by a dermatologist. |
Hearing implant BAHA |
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Thanks to modern technology, practically any person experiencing hearing difficulties can have good hearing. With the use of the BAHA system it is possible to rehabilitate even such patients in which every other method failed.
Otorhinolaringologist Ljiljana Čvorović, Ph.D., associate of the general hospital Bel Medic, explains the modern hearing aids and the development of surgical techniques which enable even much more. For example, the BAHA system, a hearing aid conducting sound through the bone, is implanted surgically in the bone behind the ear and thus assists the hearing.
The installation of the BAHA is a surgical procedure performed in partial or general anaesthesia, during which a small titanium implant is placed in the bone, after which the implant is bound to the bone spontaneously, during about three weeks. An integral part of the BAHA is a processor receiving and magnifying sound, adjusted by the patient.
Application of VATS Methods |
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Dr Aleksandar Ristanović, specialist of heart surgery and associate of the general hospital Bel Medic in Belgrade, explains the phenomenon and manifestation of hyperhidrosis, a serious problem manifested by frequent excessive sweating in many people. The problem also has its psychological aspects, as those suffering from it often avoid the company of other people, become introvert, avoid shaking hands or being close to others, avoids personal contacts.
Since recently this problem is dealt with through a surgical intervention which disconnects the innervation of certain sweat glands – VATS, am minimum invasive surgery after which, the following day, the patient can return to his/her regular activities.
Tesla's Leaving Before the Public Eye |
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The “Nikola Tesla” Museum in Belgrade is staging the exhibition „70 Years of Tesla's Death“, for the first time presenting to the public the documents seen so far only by careful researchers of the life and work of this great scientist and inventor. For the first time, a part of the exhibition refers to the funeral which was broadcast by the Radio New York, at which the speaker was the Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. The second part of the exhibition is about the arrangement that his nephew, Sava Kosanović, would transport his legacy to Belgrade and give it as a present to the state. This includes documents regarding the founding of the Museum and bringing the urn, whereby the Museum also became the memorial centre. The exhibition also presents documents including the book of mourning and telegrams of condolences, messages by Eleanor Roosevelt, letter of personal envoy of Stalin, documents of cremation held after the service in the Church of St. John the Baptist. |
SILA in the Sky |
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Company „Aero East Europe” was founded in 2006 in Kraljevo (a town in western Serbia) in the location where an aircraft factory was located eight decades ago! Initially, the company produced and sold superlight aircrafts, made mostly of imported components. Until February 2008 the company exported 30 aircrafts.
Now this company is dedicated to the production of the first Serbian Industry Ultra Light Aircraft – SILA. This program is implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. So far, the company has produced 120 aircrafts, intended for business, tourism and sport. In order to become airborne, the aircraft needs a runway of 50-80 m, and is significantly cheaper than its competitors in the same category.
Recently, after a technical expertise, a certificate was issued by the German Directorate for Civilian Aviation.
Poisonous Snakes in Serbia |
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All Serbian poisonous snakes belong to the family of Viperidae. They are of medium size with heads distinct of the neck. Viper snake Vipera ammodytes is the most dangerous and poisonous snake in Serbia; it can be up to 1 m long and mostly lives in the lower parts of hills and mountains. The common adder snake Vipera berus has a triangular head and lives in higher areas in mountains, with two sub-species: V. berus berus and V. berus bosnienis. They are not aggressive and would attack only for defence. Their venom is weaker than that of viper snake.
Biblical Flood |
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It is believed that there are more than five hundred legends of floods around the worlds. It is one of the oldest and most widespread legends. However, since in 1998 scientists William Ryan and Walter Pitman from the University of Columbia published their book „Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed History“, the questions of global floods again raised the interest of natural scientists.
Scientists partly believe that the Black Sea once was much smaller and was in fact a fresh-water lake. Than a disastrous flood happened, causing sudden geological changes. Research undertaken indicates that in the past there was a sudden transit of water from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, and that this happened during some dramatic and sudden event at which time the present day Bosporus Strait was formed. It is supposed that water came in quantities of 40 km3 per day and the water level increased by about 15 cm per day.
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» BROJ 58 naslovna |
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Godina X
Jun - Juli 2013.